

Functional Ornamentation

Does one’s choice of bodily adornment or articles of dress, reflect their personal identity? If so, do their more intimate adornments provide a clearer picture of who they are?Functional Ornamentation turns the notion of conventional vessel form inside out, or rather outside in. This investigation examines both utilitarian and non-utilitarian articles of clothing, as well as the internality of the relationship that wearers of clothing have to their wearables-- specifically their relationship to underwear, versus the exteriority that is reflected in outerwear…


Portrait of

the Artist

Portrait of the Artist delves into the exploration and documentation of self. I analyze what makes me, me. I then I take those things and exploit and celebrate them.


Message if Interested

Message if Interested focuses on internet behavior through online dating. I create a personals ad, then use the text from the responses I receive and display them in relationship with sculptural objects. The objects I use, tea and coffee paraphernalia, are meant to symbolize a first date as well as make-believe and the different persona's that are created through the cover of the internet. I also use my kitsch-like color scheme to represent purity as well as idealized memory to stand in opposition to the shallow and sometimes vulgar text.


Bieber Fever

Bieber Fever is a series of work that explores celebrity obsession. It criticizes the narcissistic celebrity, who is symbolized as Justin Bieber, as well as the super fan. The color scheme represents an innocence in the enslaving web that is fandom, while the imagery both sheds a negative and humorous light on the fan and celebrity.